Take a holistic approach to managing your utility costs
Holistic Utility Solutions
is an integrated
energy services company that
helps you reduce energy cost and risk in your commercial facilities.
What’s missing from your utility management strategy?
Many companies only focus on one or two aspects of energy/water cost reduction, but utilities are interconnected systems that should to be approached in an integrated manner.
Here are the four strategies to consider in developing your plan

How much do you use?
Conservation is often the best ROI strategy to reduce costs and emissions. We evaluate your existing system and help you implement the right technologies and programs to reduce waste.

What does it cost?
In deregulated markets, energy contracts can be competitively bid between suppliers. After analyzing your usage and understanding your goals, we make sure you’re on the right plan.

When do you use it?
(Demand Management)
In most markets, a large component of your electric cost is based on when you use power. This is measured in demand (KW) and can be managed through load shifting programs, demand response, batteries, and more.

Should you make your own?
(Renewables & Resiliency)
Sustainability and resiliency are key goals for many entities. When designed properly, solar power and other forms of on-site generation can be cost effective ways to make sure you have power when you need it, while also doing the environment some good.
Don’t Leave Money on the Table.
Take a Holistic approach.
Want to learn more?
Watch this 3-minute intro video from our President
Trust the Experts
We didn’t just wake up one day and decide to start selling LED lighting and solar panels. We’re seasoned professionals with the credentials and experience to prove it.
Our team has worked with THOUSANDS of commercial facilities and have saved clients MILLIONS of dollars.
Don’t trust something as important as your utility cost to someone who just learned about it yesterday.
Trust the experts.
Ready to get your utility costs under control?
Sleep well at night knowing ALL of your utilities under control.
We’re here to help.
Send us a note to get started!